After signing up for this platform almost two years ago @adam that the reason why I lost interest is the curtailing factor of the number of characters (500). This form of microblogging surfaces successful subscribers who mostly pass on links with scant remarks buttressing the post. Furthermore the UI doesn’t enable paragraphs etc so writers do not surface here i.e. subscribers “who have less to explain” are dominating the Mastodon field. If only writers could be allowed more😔

Listening live to No Agenda episode 1481 via Podverse. It turns red and just click it. No more extra copy-pasting in browsers. Sound quality is normal to maybe even better @adam

Well beside the people who mainly live on the coasts and doing well for themselves and religiously follow the globalists who make life worse … probably the majority of people may/can approve of John Rich’s lyrics Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity
By Jonas Koblin
Dietrich Bonhoeffer argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on deaf ears. Bonhoeffer’s famous text, which we slightly edited for this video, serves any free society as a warning of what can happen when certain people gain too much power.

Gesprek tonen

99.9% nothing to significantly decrease the shootings bc they will find their guns illegally if they have to. A lot of ppl will want to sell and privately selling is not and cannot be legislated. In the case of this brave woman the partygoers survived a sick attack on them by the barrel of a gun. Good job!

Gesprek tonen people who wanna believe in “making it harder” to legally obtain weapons and magically expect no more mass shootings or other malevolence committed with weaponry could also deliberate and internalize if and when a lot of ppl discard their weapons-AND THE CRIMINAL DO NOT … what positive effect taking a anti-NRA stance i.e. most likely fitting a Democrat profile … will bring to bear? people who are not able to envision a possible amount of malignancy that took place during the November 2020 election are either partisan or naive normal people lacking wokeism just before Trump speaks in Nebraska

EU president of the Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen is gleefully presenting an abomination for probably most of the citizenry of a service called the Digital Covid Certificate (DCC) which will “bring a service” to the people to keep them “protected.” It’ll be mandated for all 27 states 7-1-22. Member states can apply different rules locally … but flying for those who chose or choose not to take the vaccine or any later iterations … WELL NO SERVICE FOR YOU!! You slave. OBEY THE RULES!

wil boostte

A more fluid and dreamed up racism version by professors of leafy leaning institutions : “The marginalization and/or oppression of a people of color based on a socially constructed hierarchy that privileges white people. “
Well this definition is most likely very new to most (like myself) & hopefully interpreted as foolish nonsensical gibberish merely making sense to people lacking human experience and almost exclusively “enjoying” a privileged life of being only around people tantamount to thee

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The “decommissioned” definition of racism which was courant until just a few years ago and probably for many still valid & recognizable: “racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another. That a person’s social and moral traits are predeterminedby his or her inborn biological characteristics. Racial separatism is the belief most of the time based on racism that different races should remain segregated and apart from one another.” In the reaction comment a newer one

wil boostte deze jongeman maakt een presentatie van de COVID protesten die best vermakelijk is

Not to turn all sappy. I saw the ‘05 Jane Austin movie “Pride and Prejudice.” I loved the way people spoke, the way courtship took place way more pull-stop-pull-stop-pull-stop in a more exhilarating & daring and broadly-chosen verbiage than all these aughts & tens romantic Hollywood cheap offsprings. My guess is ppl who seek instant reward via action scenes & the way-too-often squeezed-in jokes in action movies are too quickly bored with a slower pace and then miss out on the payback a bit later

What author Moskowitz also is telling by not telling that the proclaimed “positive vision & substantive principles” of the coupled “thinkers”(which he emailed) is not specified what that’d mean (definition); I can imagine someone killing/ hurting another with these prerequisites; but interesting though … it always is a service to oneself if one is ballsy enough to try to contradict one’s own thinking. The Reactionary Trap is recognizable

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No Agenda Social Lowlands

The social network for producers of the No Agenda Show from the Lowlands.