Jaap boostte

Electric cars are better for the environment?
If you believe that, you should watch this video.
#Tesla #ElectricCars

Jaap boostte

Dit is een goeie analyse van de 'boogeyman du jour': Putin; corbettreport.com/putin/ Trudeau, Putin, Trump, Klaus, WEF? Corbett deconstructs the connections. Is the Putin being Anti-Globalist Narrative real? 🤔

Jaap boostte

The Secret Contracts Our Governments Made With Pfizer and Moderna Have Leaked! And it's even more shocking than we all suspected.

I'm no expert, but these kinds of agreements can never be legally valid.

Agreements with EU not countries 😳🧐


Jaap boostte

youtube.com/watch?v=s2F_fvMy_j toch wel intrigerend ook de hele serie... mar als academisch gebrainwashte filmkenner is dat heroes journey toch een dingetje

vimeo.com/618887350 Mooie analyse van Brecht Arnaert; hoe het monetaire systeem aan de covaids hellth 'crisis' geknoopt is.

twitter.com/nieuwskamernl/stat diederik gaat los op de peanuts covaids... helaas is ie nog goed gebreenwasht op de climategate😂

bitchute.com/video/AUbHw6fVG0R Ex Pfizer chief scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon about the booster, QR, social credit and more

Jaap boostte

“Boosters make matters worse,” explains Virologist & Vaccinologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche from... — blckbx.tv - news channel


Jaap boostte

Is er hier iemand die nog aan Ivermectine kan komen?

No Agenda Social Lowlands

The social network for producers of the No Agenda Show from the Lowlands.