Nieuwere tonen

@roundy it's an Italian cartoon. Thought it was known throughout Europe but it was only Italy, France, Germany and the Netherlands where it aired.

The Dutch made an expression of it.

In the Netherlands and Belgium, the term "Calimerocomplex [nl]" is used to denote people who are staunchly convinced that their position as an underdog is due to their smaller size, either literally or symbolically, which covers up for their own shortcomings.


Texas Slim: "We are going to become a new International Lifestyle that begins right here in Texas"

Bossche bol

Delicious, giant, cream puff type pastries from the south of the Netherlands

CIA and MI6 are entering Ukraine.

Ukrainian parliament allows foreigners to serve in Ukraine's intelligence agencies during war. The Verkhovna Rada passed amendments to the law regulating the work of Ukraine’s intelligence agencies on April 14.

NAS Help 🥺

My son is stranded in Amsterdam, the trains are under construction? 🚝

Do you know when they are not in strike?

Bosma en Baudet trollen Bergkamp in referendum-debat

Het gaat om de poging het referendum weer van stal te halen, echter wel met een opkomst drempel van 40%. Dat is dan ook gelijk een referenda killer. Niet dat het dus iets gaat worden, maar het leverde een nogal vermakelijk debat op met onder andere woord kunstenaar Martin Bosma die geen spaan heel laat van de linkse kliek. D66 voorzitter Bergkamp zit er bij en moet het zoals gewoonlijk weer ongemakkelijk aanhoren. 🤣

@Johncdvorak @adam John and Adam, all geared up for the Mockingjay meetup in Rijs, Gitmo lowlands.

Oudere tonen
No Agenda Social Lowlands

The social network for producers of the No Agenda Show from the Lowlands.